Questions and Answers about Relationship Coaching for Actors


Do you only work with couples?


Not at all. Often, one member of the couple can bring about real changes through the work they do in coaching.

Also, frequently, a single actor who is tired of failed dating relationships works with me to find and change the things that have gotten in the way of finding and keeping the love they desire.

For people who are starting over following a painful breakup, divorce or death of a partner, we work together to help with healing and rebuilding their lives, including finding new love.

Finally, coaching is for any relationship. It’s not unusual for us to work on problems in professional relationships, friendships or family members.

Are Our Sessions Confidential?

Absolutely. Anything you reveal in our sessions is held in strictest confidence, except as required by law, as stated in the Code of Ethics of the International Coaching Federation.


We don’t live in New York City. Can we still work together?


Yes. Many of my clients live elsewhere and contact me on the phone, Skype or WhatsApp. We can work together from anywhere in the world that has internet access. This also allows for working together when you are on location, or doing regional theater.

How are you different from other relationship coaches?

One of the most obvious differences is my nearly forty years of experience helping people to have the best possible relationship they can. In that time, I’ve constantly learned different ways to help bring about the changes my clients want, and by now, I have a pretty good-sized tool box to bring to the table.

I have a background in film, and a extensive background in working with people in the arts. I understand the challenges and joys of living the creative and expressive life.

Also, I don’t believe that “one size fits all.” The way we work is tailored to you, to your unique personality and needs, not to one particular technique that I have mastered.

In working with those looking for love, unlike many dating coaches, I do not believe in using tricks and tactics to “win” a partner. Lasting relationships come from being your authentic self. Knowing that authentic self often involves inner work to find the beliefs and attitudes that may be getting in the way of finding and keeping love. Also, learning to get and maintain a relationship can mean changes in the way you express that self.

Finally, I work holistically. That means that although the focus is on your relationship, I remain aware of you as a whole person, and all areas of your life. If there is a problem or dissatisfaction in another area of your life, it may have an impact on the relationship. Often, resolving problems in an apparently unrelated aspect of someone’s life can have a dramatic effect on what they are bring to their relationship.


How is relationship coaching different from couples therapy?

Any psychotherapy focuses on the past, discovering the origins of emotions and behaviors. Relationship coaching is directed towards the present and the future: helping you and your  partner decide what you want your relationship to be, and helping you take it from what it is now to the future that you desire.

Also, couples therapy is based on a medical model in which an expert (the therapist) treats people with problems. Relationship coaching is a collaboration between equals, aimed at helping you develop new tools and skills to bring about lasting changes in your relationship.

How flexible can you be? I have a crazy schedule.


 I realize that actors are constantly on-call, and may unexpected auditions or bookings, and will do my best to accommodate you. In addition, since I know the difficult hours you might work when you’re doing a T.V. show or filming, I try to be available for unusual appointment times.


I’m in therapy. Is that a problem?


On the contrary. Although therapy and coaching are two different approaches, they compliment each other very well. As long as your therapist has no problem with your working with me, we certainly can work together.

Still have questions? The best way to have all your questions answered is to book a complementary session. Call me at 212-873-1427. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible to book an appointment.