“Stephen Day has been my life and relationship coach for many years. His professional, compassionate and insightful guidance has been a crucial component in the development of my life.  As an actress married to a theatre director, life in the arts can be unpredictable and highly stressful to a marriage. Stephen’s skill and support remains at the core of his successful assistance to myself and my husband now of 15 years.

Stephen offers actionable tools to open lines of communication and understanding not just for the moment, but as a guide for future growth.”



Elizabeth Ann Townsend

Actor, Playwright, and Acting Coach



The Special Problems Working Actors Face in Relationships


As an actor, you have unique gifts, and you also have unique stresses that may affect your relationship. Some of these are:


  • Frequent travel, which can create lengthy separations and emotional distance.

  • Immersion in professional “families” with every new production. These bonds can be absorbing and result in emotional distance and lead to your partner’s jealousy.

  • Physically or emotionally exhausting roles and schedules can leave you little time and emotional reserve for your partner.

  • Frequent rejection and the stress of public criticism can really challenge your self esteem, making it harder to be present for your partner.

  • For some, constant public scrutiny, even of their private lives, creates tension that can spill into their relationships.

  • Worries about economic insecurity can plague even successful working actors, and may lead to fights about finances.

  • When both of you are actors, the stresses can double. In addition, professional competition may add to the tensions.

Relationship Coaching For Actors is not just for those currently in a relationship:

When Relationships End

Sometimes, a couple’s problems are too deep to resolve, and the only solution is separation. If that’s the case for you, I will be there with caring support, helping you to make the decisions, set directions and take the necessary steps, staying on as long as needed to help you get through that difficult time.

If appropriate, we can also meet with your partner to discuss and negotiate the separation. Sometimes this can include developing ways for the two of you to work together after the separation, which is especially important when children are involved.

Looking for Love

If you have been seeking a long-term relationship without success, going through what may seem like endless short-term relationships that don’t work out, or a stream of dates that go nowhere, this path may be the one for you.

When you change, the way others respond to you changes. Together, we will work on discovering the behaviors and attitudes that may get in the way of finding and keeping the love you desire.

Starting Over

When we lose love – either through separation, divorce or death – it can feel overwhelming. Even after the grief has subsided, it can leave us feeling as though our lives, and our selves, have been uprooted, and need to be rebuilt before we can be open to looking for a new relationship.

Working together, we can plan and carry out the transition to discover a confident you, open to new love, at the pace that’s right for you. If there are other areas of your life that need attention, we will work on those as well, helping you move forward from your loss to the future you desire.

“Making the decision to work with a life and relationship coach is one of the most important commitments I’ve ever made to myself. And I am thrilled that I found Stephen Day to be my coach. He is a gifted and effective coach. who has helped guide me to do the important work of confronting myself and understanding how I get in the way of my life satisfaction.

Stephen keeps me focused on my priorities, but prompts me to reflect and regroup when my priorities start to shift. He also intuitively understands when to pause the work to help me analyze feelings or thoughts that hinder clarity and happiness.

I find that the opportunity to work regularly with Stephen brings focus to how it is I want to live my life. He consistently assists me to achieve incremental growth and teaches me to think and act proactively in pursuit of greater life satisfaction.”


Amy Lamitie


Professional Education Development Consultant,  Educational Leadership Coach

Working Together on Your Relationship

Whether you are working with me alone or with your partner, whether in person or on the phone or via Skype, here are some of the things you can expect:

  • We work together as collaborators, aiming at enriching every aspect of your life, especially, but not exclusively, your relationships. I believe that coaching is a relationship of equals, not of an “expert” and a “client.”

  • We work in an atmosphere of caring and compassion, always looking to build on the best of you.

  • Everything you tell me is held in the strictest confidence, in keeping with the Code of Ethics of the International Coach Federation.

  • We will be working on both the “outer” side, that is, the ways you and your partner interact, the situations you face as a couple, the problems and strengths in your relationship, and the “inner” side, that is, the beliefs and attitudes you each bring to the relationship, your own history, the unique person that is you.

  • For singles, we usually work together once a week, or more often if called for. For couples, each member of the couple works with me separately as needed, in addition to regular weekly couple sessions.

For more about working with me, please see Frequently Asked Questions.


Create the Loving Relationship That You and Your Partner Desire

“Great relationships aren’t great because they have no problems. They’re great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work.”   Emily Ratay

To learn more about Relationship Coaching For Actors, or to get started in transforming your relationship, join me in a complementary, no obligation, get-acquainted call today.

Call  212-873-1427 for an appointment. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a time for us to speak.

Call 212-873-1427